sedation dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

At Kleypas Family Dentistry, we strive to make every dental procedure and treatment a comfortable and pain-free experience by using safe and effective oral sedation options.

┃What kind of sedation options can I have during my dental procedure?

At Kleypas Family Dental, we offer sedation dentistry in order to make your dental experience comfortable and pain-free. Nitrous Oxide is a common form of sedation dentistry that we offer to our patients who may be undergoing certain procedures that may cause discomfort or induce anxiety. Nitrous sedation is a safe and effective sedative agent administered through a small mask that fits over your nose in order to help you relax. Because nitrous sedation is a form of conscious sedation, you can remain conscious and even responsive to the dental team in order to ensure a comfortable and pain-free experience.

If you have any additional questions about our sedation dentistry options or would like to schedule an appointment, please call our office in Cypress, TX. Our friendly staff will be happy to help you!